Taking care of your skin is any day more important than covering it up. Did you know that an average woman uses 12 personal care products a day containing 168 different chemicals?
A recent study also revealed that the skin may absorb up to 60% of the chemicals in products it comes in contact with. Here’s another fact- 26 seconds is all it takes for the chemicals in your personal care products to enter your bloodstream.
So you eat organic. But you spray, rub, & wash your largest organ with chemicals? Asaagat believes that it’s just as important what you put on your skin as what you put in your body.
Paraben is a common chemical found in skincare products, it is used as a preservative in deodorants, moisturizers, body wash, and makeup, and increases the chances of breast cancer. Its chemical structure is similar to estrogen and it can be carcinogenic even in tiny amounts.
Men who use products containing parabens can have lower sperm counts and less testosterone. It could also cause endocrine disruption. Meanwhile, formaldehyde and formaldehyde releasers found in many products, is also linked to causing cancer and can damage the immune system.
Ethanolamine and nitrosamines are often found in branded products, but are not listed on product labels. They are cancer causing toxicants. Hydroquinone, usually found in skin-lightening products, is another harmful drug which can cause ochronosis. Today, most of the baby wipes contain a chemical called methylisothiazolinone which causes skin allergies, rashes and irritation.
We’re sorry, didn’t mean to scare you, but it’s all true. Don’t worry, we have some solutions for you too.
Choose products that are labeled non-comedogenic as those products don’t cause skin irritation.
Antioxidants like rosemary, parsley, etc. are a must for beauty products. Vitamin A and Vitamin C are beneficial ingredients.
The products shouldn't contain parabens, formaldehyde, fragrance, petroleum, AHA and BHA, and phthalates. Use products that contain natural ingredients like rose petals, sandalwood, and aloe vera.
It is important to note down the ingredients of the product you’re going to buy and make sure that they are not among the ones mentioned above.
This is why Asaagat brings to you 100% organic, ayurvedic, and natural products that are safe to use for all skin types and children as well. We have so much confidence in all our products that we offer a 30 day 100% money-back guarantee, with no questions asked. None of our products contain any of the chemicals mentioned above because WE CARE FOR YOU AND YOUR CHILDREN.
We also provide 100% transparency to our customers by letting them know about every ingredient added to the products.
Check out our products at https://asaagat.com/. An investment in good skin products results in great skin.

Community Manager and Copywriter at Doval Enterprises
Student, Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Technology
LinkedIn- https://www.linkedin.com/in/krishi-jain-769984202/